Saturday, January 22, 2011

Learning F# with FizzBuzz: Match


I had previously done a solution for FizzBuzz in F# (from a long time ago) but now that I’m more familiar with the idioms of F# I tend more towards pattern matching instead of if/else logic for quite a few scenarios. Here is an example of my rewriting what could otherwise been a conditional if/else checking for factors of 3 and 5, but using a pattern match instead.

let fizz num =
match (num % 3 = 0) with
| true -> "fizz"
| false -> ""

let buzz num =
match (num % 5 = 0) with
| true -> "buzz"
| false -> ""

let outform num fizCalc =
match fizCalc.ToString().Length = 0 with
| true -> num.ToString()
| false -> fizCalc

let rec printer nums =
match nums with
| [] -> printfn "-"
| h::t ->
printfn "%s" (outform h ((fizz h) + (buzz h)))
printer t

let numbers = [1..100]
printer numbers

Although I read claims that if/else conditional operations are more readable, I think the pattern match used consistently across scenarios above makes for something I find quite readable.


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