Monday, July 28, 2008

Reading Source, Minima III


As my reading of Minima source code continues I wanted next to comment upon the database interaction which is novel (to me at least) in that it is exclusively a LINQ implementation with no stored procedure or ADO.NET implementation.  I've seen LINQ quite a bit, but many using it seem to stick to using the query syntax rather than using raw lambda expressions.  All the LINQ in Minima that I've seen uses lambda expressions and I've  come to appreciate it as a clean, sparse syntax.  To illustrate a more trivial example, assuming I have a table Users with Username / Password columns I wanted to verify for access. The first step with all things LINQ is to make your data model, which amounts to a DBML file that you map database objects to with drag and drop. Next you can write query expressions to pull data out of the database - notice that the db variable here points to the data model as embodied in a "data context" object:

            var authUserQuery = from u in db.Users 
where u.Email == Login1.UserName && u.Passphrase == Login1.Password
select u;

Unfortunately the query expressions return an IEnumerable<T> that doesn't support a Count or Length property. It's a somewhat inflexible thing that in my *very* limited experience is useful mainly for iterating with a ForEach - and I suspect it's reasons like this that led Betz to using a lambda syntax that is much cleaner and gets more bang with less code:

            Func<Data.User, Boolean> checkUser = x => x.Email == Login1.UserName && x.Passphrase = Login1.Password;
Data.User u = db.Users.SingleOrDefault(checkUser);

You can use nullability to test for the presence of a record based on the LINQ query. Some source from Minima that demonstrates this is verification of the existence of a blog author:

            Func<AuthorLINQ, Boolean> authorExists = x => x.AuthorEmail == authorEmail;
authorLinq = db.Authors.SingleOrDefault(authorExists);
if (authorLinq == null)
throw new ArgumentException(message);

It's truly novel and I don't mean to make that sound like a trivial or ornamental type "novel" I write; after spending so much time building a data access layer with stored procedures and ADO.NET (Connection, Command, Reader, DataSet, ad nauseum) it seems like our collective destiny is to walk away from that and let something like a DBML data context do black magic for us.

Even though the ADO.NET Entity Framework is getting a FAIL vote from some people, I'm interested to see how this overlaps with LINQ. Even after listening to Hanselman's interview of Mike Pizzo I'm still a little unclear. My plan of action is to get serious about NHibernate to try to understand, as Scott would say, "the gestalt" of an ORM and then make the call on ADO.NET Entity Framework when it's released.


Thursday, July 24, 2008

Twining, TwyDL


A quick note that Twining isn't dead and that I actually have been working on it. Some work I've done in the past few months has involved a lot of databases I don't have more than an ISPs user/password level of access to so it's been quite handy to copy data in and out with brief pieces of code. Here's one feature I've used, exporting a table definition and all of its contents to a scripted insert statement in a file:



Another piece that I've been working on is the ability to generate schema objects in a more fluid, compact way. I like SQL just fine but after seeing how easy it is to make data structures with the Google App Engine I sought to shoot for something similar. Also within the flow of writing a Twining script it's easy to keep this type of syntax Pythonic for certain scenarios (you want to create a temp table and dump data into it from somewhere; you want to create a table and generate sample data, etc, etc). I call it TwyDL as a play on DDL:



The methods you see for defining column types take optional parameters so you can pass additional specifications when you feel the need. For example, the string columns default to varchar(50) but if you wanted to have a specific length all you'd need to do is:

col.string("FirstName", 25)

The same is true for numeric types:

col.numeric("Salary", 18, 4)

I've got one more thing I'm interested in implementing (time! time!) which is generating sample data given some table definition. I'm hoping to get up a rough cut of it all in the next day or two, after I've updated unit tests and organized things.


Monday, July 21, 2008

Reading Source, Minima II


Yesterday I wrote that my next stop was the use of Generics with WCF. Sometimes, it seems, a lot of experience is a handicap to learning new things - such was definitely the case when it comes to the full use of Generics with C#.  Most of my usage, I admit, has been limited to Generic Collections such as List<T> or Dictionary<T, K>.  But there is a beautiful leveraging of Generics I see with WCF that can be applied all over the place.  As a trivial example, consider the code that is used to safely read values from a database field.  I will admit to writing a lot of code like:

class ReaderHelper{
public static void GetSafeString(object field);
public static void GetSafeDecimal(object fiel);
// and so on.

// somewhere else in code:
string firstname = ReaderHelper.GetSafeString(rs["FirstName"]);
decimal salary = ReaderHelper.GetSafeDecimal(rs["Salary"]);

A lot of redundancy and little extensibility. Here's how a WCF infected mind might write that:

class ReaderHelper{
static T SafeField<T>(object field, T defaultValue){
return (field == DBNull.Value) ? defaultValue : (T)field;
// somewhere else in code:
string firstname = ReaderHelper.SafeField<string>(rs["FirstName"]);
decimal salary = ReaderHelper.SafeField<decimal>(rs["Salary"]);

If you coupled the above with some inversion of control you'd have a pretty powerful and extensible code for dealing with any potentially null field type coming from your database.  It's not that such use is an innovation exclusive to WCF, I see it used a lot more there.  Back to Minima, one can see a good example of this in the project responsible for exposing configuration values:

namespace Themelia.Configuration
public static class ConfigAccessor
public static T ApplicationSettings<T>(string key);
public static string ApplicationSettings(string key);
public static T ApplicationSettings<T>(string key, bool isRequired);
public static string ApplicationSettings(string key, bool isRequired);
public static string ConnectionString(string key);


More on Minima later (hopefully tomorrow), taking a look at database access.


Sunday, July 20, 2008

Reading Source, Minima I


I'm interested in the notion of deliberate practice as it relates to software developers.  How do we "practice" effectively?  One of the things I've been wanting to be more serious and deliberate about was reading source code.  Hanselman has inspired me with his "weekly source code" posts and since good ideas are worth copying I'll start to document some of the projects I download and look into for examples of good code.

The project I'm currently working on involves a lot of WCF. I've got mixed feelings (as well as a lot to learn) about it so I thought I'd start off by running Minima, Dave Betz's WCF/.NET 3.5 blog engine as a sample of an end-to-end application I can model my own WCF architectures after. 

Minima was not easy to get going. While I'm perhaps not the brightest kid on the block, the biggest item I struggled with would probably be a challenge to anyone: the certificates used in the WCF security model. While Betz has a blog entry documenting the basic usage of certificates with WCF, it is predicated on the WCF host not being IIS. For the blog I assumed everything should be deployed to IIS and ran into the a lesser known fact that one must use the Windows HTTP Services Certification Configuration Tool to enable the ASPNET account access to the certificates for their usage. There were also a couple of post build events in the project that I removed after getting my references set up.

But before I get into particulars, I wanted to go over the broader structure of the project.  The Minima solution has the following projects:
* Minima.Service
This has the service and data contracts with no implementation
* Minima.ServiceImpl
This has the implementation of the service
* Minima.Configuration
A configuration helper which makes use of a library called Themelia (Betz is, apparently, a Biblical Greek scholar on the side)
* Minima.Web
Library for the blog website's features
* Website
A website project
* Website Service project (exposes services for posting content to the database via WCF)

I'll write about more particulars in my next post but for this overview my biggest takeaway in the project structure is decoupling.  Separating the service from the service implementation, separating the website from it's functionality by a project with the only purpose of implementing that backend logic, and separating general purpose frameworks like Themelia (for reading the config file etc).

When I start my own projects I usually think too much about doing a proof of concept and less about decoupling the overall structure. As a result most projects start off as a "sketch" in a single Visual Studio project and by the first release end up staying that way on a permanent basis. But perhaps what we should focus on as programmers is less the cleverest algorithms and more the most elegant structure for building solid applications.

Next stop: WCF and Generics.


Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Tragically Well Known


Of late there seem to be a lot of the well knowns of blogging bowing out (at least in volume) because of how much work it takes to qualify and disclaim the topics they take upon themselves. I find it sad because even the essays I find myself disagreeing with usually provide the same thought provoking effect as the ones I enjoy in agreement. It's strange to think that people like Paul Graham and Joel Spolsky would be exasperated by the barbs people toss their way and yet, it seems, they are.  Paul's essay on disagreement seems evidence of this and the most recent Stackoverflow podcast dwells considerably on the topic from Joel's perspective.

I would like to make the following proposal both in encouragement of people like this writing and for people like myself enjoying it: rather than quick barbs and/or "jumped the shark" posts, return to the previous material of the author and enjoy an old post. It's not that disagreement is bad or unwelcome; I think a lot of the well knowns enjoy a spirited discourse.  It has more to do with people either misunderstanding or disagreeing in the wrong way - DH0 to DH4 as Paul would have it.


Sunday, July 13, 2008

Predictably Irrational: Startups and Open Source


The Herding Code podcast took up the topic: "Why don't startups run on Microsoft?" which I thought was interesting - it crossed paths with comments in a spat I've followed between Atwood (who chose .NET as a platform for Stackoverflow) and Marco Arment (of tumblr fame (side note: I actually have a tumblr)).  Had you asked me before Friday for an opinion I would have probably attributed it to the Byzantine licensing schemes for Microsoft products as well as marketing oriented decisions like making IIS 7 unavailable on XP. 

On Friday, however, I heard a commentary on Marketplace from Dan Ariely that is a basis for a hypothesis that hadn't occurred to me but seems to make perfect sense for software.  Ariely, a behavioral economist at MIT, starts with suggesting that the next time you eat out with friends, it might be better to have one person pick up the "pain of paying" for dinner rather than distributing it across all the people who were out. According to the commentary (emphasis mine):

Findings from behavioral economics tell us that one person should pay the entire bill and that the person paying should alternate over time. When we pay any amount of money, we feel some psychological pain. We call this the pain of paying. This is the unpleasantness that is associated with forking over our hard earned cash. But it also turns out that this pain does not increase linearly with the cost of the meal. This means that when we double the payment, the pain doesn't double; it increases just by a bit. In fact, the biggest increase in the pain of paying comes when we switch from paying nothing to paying something. Now, it's easy to see why one person should pay the entire bill. How so? Well, if every person paid their share, they would all experience some pain of paying.

If you're curious about how Ariely is able to make that assertion, he elaborates on this and other ideas in his book Predictably Irrational.

It makes perfect sense that this could be a credible idea behind why startups don't work with Microsoft technology - that the cost is less of a factor than "costing" some dollar amount.  If you attach to that complex licensing and many flavors of the same product and you get pain that goes beyond the "pain of paying."

It makes some sense on the Microsoft side of things too; rather than trying to determine which products developers should get matched to, most companies just buy a high end MSDN subscription for developers even though chances are high that not all the products are actually used.  They can count on "enterprise" companies conservatively overpaying and hence getting the most out of them.

A couple of thoughts that come to mind:
1. How could one go about trying to measure the "pain of paying" with software?
2. Does "free" open source translate to more time in managability/expertise?
